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When Blockchain technology was announced through the paper titled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, it was an innovative mix of public-key cryptography (invented in the 1970s), cryptographic hash functions (born in the 1970s) and proof-of-work (developed in the 1990s). Over the last few years, many derivates and blockchain-inspired concept projects have been created.


As blockchain use moves from brainstorm to pilot, issues of real-world interaction arise and cannot be solved solely from within the blockchain application itself. They need deep understating of the technology and feasibility framework to help facilitate the collaboration between the architects and engineers of the new systems and the participants and policymakers of the marketplaces destined to use them.










Many businesses are looking to consultants for help in understanding the applicability and impact of blockchain on their business. However, qualified resources with a working knowledge of Blockchain and IoT technology and industry competency are scarce. Knowing the challenge, we have ensured That our Consultants have Deep Business, Technology and Vertical Expertise to help identify the Most Suitable Uses-Case/s and then help Implement the Blockchain Proof of Concept (POC) Initiative.


As legacy systems will continue to have an important place in the enterprise, our use-case selection process for a PoC out team ensures that the new blockchain technology solution is designing for forward and backward compatibility with the legacy systems.


A PoC can either be a Prototype without code or an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) with a minimal feature set for your organisation. The fundamental goal of the PoC is to demonstrate the achievability of a pre-defined business goal or goals, such as cost reduction, process optimisation, or new business model for revenue streams, to help facilitate internal discussion or a business case approval with your leadership & critical business stakeholders.

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