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  • dixit-anoop


Updated: Sep 27, 2021

When it comes to Transitioning to the Cloud...


Recently I attended an industry-led technology workshop in Melbourne, where I was asked a simple yet complex or, should I say, strange question — Why there is so much fuss about Cloud?

Everywhere you turn these days, “Cloud” is one of the key buzzwords being talked about. So, with few seconds passing by, it felt like a lifetime, and different thoughts crossed my mind, jumping out to answer. Some positive, some sarcastically cynical and some with what the moment responses.

As I am always respectful of my colleagues, I focus on taking a deep breath or two — a time to think & reflect; why such a question? It is Jan-2020! I exhaled while counting to three — before I tried to answer the question or try to deflect myself to banter about general chitchat tactfully.

I thought everyone knew Cloud and using it in some way or form. And I know that is true for sure. But, still, maybe my respected colleagues don’t realise that, or perhaps there is a more profound question here or probably in their mind going Cloud means doing a significant Cloud/ Digital transformation is driving this line of question.

So, I thought to answer their question with a question of my own to get more out of colleagues before I respond. So, I asked — how many of you are using #Salesforce, #ServiceNow, or #Jira Atlassian, or #Dropbox or #Office365?

Guess what — my inner voice, shouting out loud in my head, just a few seconds before, was right. Most of my colleagues used quite a few or all of the above software-as-a-service (#SaaS) products and were happily satisfied using them. So, with a cheeky smile, I said, you do realise that you are already in the Cloud — using Cloud to do your business and seems to be happy making that shift! And so, I rest my case, guys or did I!

Being a business consultant by trade and an engineer at heart, it was tough to stop there with a simple cheeky answer to my colleagues. So I decided to continue my exploration with why such a line of question part-2 (Next)…

Next ....

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